
General News

5 September, 2024

Meet your 2024 Council Election Candidates

Who is running for Bogan Shire Council?

Meet your 2024 Council Election Candidates - feature photo

Ten candidates for nine spots on Bogan Shire Council

By Abigail McLaughlin

On Saturday, September 14 residents of the Bogan Shire will go to the polls to choose nine councillors, who will serve the community for the next four years.

Ten candidates have put themselves forward for election.

Residents who are unable to vote on the designated election day will be able to cast a pre-poll vote at the Bogan Shire Council offices during business hours from Monday, September 9 until Friday, September 13.

The Nyngan Weekly asked all 10 candidates a series of questions and here are their responses.



I have operated the Nyngan Newsagency for 19 years and prior to that I was employed by the National Australia Bank for 19 Years (Nyngan branch manager 1998 to 2001).  I love all sports including football, golf, tennis, cricket and bowls and I am on the committees of the tennis, soccer and senior rugby league clubs. I currently run Friday night tennis for those aged 10 years to 18 years.

I live in Nyngan with my beautiful family of Angela, Isabella and Mackenzie in a home we built in 2008. I have been a Bogan Shire Councillor for the past two terms.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan Shire?

To follow up and keep adding new improvements to Nyngan in general. 

For example, the new housing development in Hoskins Street next to showground. We need to have this work completed in next four years with at least 10 new homes completed and occupied by families.  These people will use our facilities and attend our schools.  

I’d also like to see further upgrades to the Nyngan tennis courts so we can have more people playing.  On Friday nights we already we have around 20 children attending each week.

I’d like to see the finalisation of the skate park in O’Reilly Park. 

Generally, smaller projects to improve on all facilities and put in more activities for the youth of Nyngan. 

What has council done well in recent years?

  • Lights for Larkin Oval.

  • New watering system for golf course

  • New community homes for elderly

  • New youth facility

  • Two new storage dams for water needs for Bogan Shire Council.

  • New pavement for the main street and walking paths around town and Bogan River in which we have had many positive comments.

 What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan Shire in near future?

  • Increased housing availability to attract new families to our town.

  • More local shopping to keep money circulating back in our community which creates wealth and jobs and helps businesses stay viable for future.

  • Continued improvement to our Bogan Shire Medical Centre and to work in conjunction with our Hospital and the Mick Glennie Hostel etc. Funding in my eyes for this service should be a State Government high priority in making sure our medical facilities are going forward not backward and we need to speak up and keep bringing to attention of the State Government who keep reducing services in smaller towns. 

What skills and experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

I am a speaker for the Nyngan Community who is happy to raise matters by concerned people of the community and who has goals to see Nyngan keep improving so Nyngan can keep growing and become even a stronger community then what it is today.

I am a councillor who always raises his views on matters discussed and will listen to individuals and always try to come up with a solution to all matters.  I have the background as a bank manager and councillor over the last five years in understanding what we are able to achieve on a balanced budget.   

Written and authorised by Graham Jackson, Nyngan NSW 2825 



I am a fourth generation farmer/grazier on our family farm ‘Summerlea’ which was purchased by my great grandfather Charles Menzies in 1896 and has remained in our family since that time.

My wife Katrina and I have raised four children, now between the ages of 25 and 32, and we are very happy living in this wonderful community.

I am a mechanic by trade, carrying out repairs on our own vehicles and equipment wherever possible. I also worked as a livestock carrier from about 1984 until the 1990 Nyngan Flood.

During the 1990s and 2000s I was involved in the Regional Community Survival Group, a Tottenham/Nyngan/Cobar based group, which successfully brought some common sense into the area of vegetation and land management regarding State Government imposed laws.

I have been volunteering on the Meals on Wheels roster for approximately 14 years, delivering meals to those who require them in Nyngan.

I have a keen interest in on and offroad adventure motorcycle riding, completing Perth – Steep Point – Alice Springs – Byron Bay in 2022.

I have been a member of Troy Richards’ ‘The Shed Boxing Club Old Boys Group’ since January 2021, something which has proven to be good for my physical and mental health. I have been a Bogan Shire Councillor since 2021.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a Councillor for the Bogan Shire?

Having completed one term on our council and being lucky enough to serve with a team of councillors that are all there for the right reasons, I am putting myself forward again to continue the good work Council has achieved over recent terms despite the many staffing and funding barriers to the progression of small rural council agendas. Many problems are difficult to get right but we must continue to work towards taking our shire in a positive direction. Positive thinking and persistence will bring success

In your opinion, what has the Bogan Shire done well in recent years?

  • Our shire road network, whilst not in ideal condition, is maintained to a very high standard compared to other shires in NSW, especially considering the funding shortfall our engineering department must constantly deal with.

  • Our sporting facilities, parks, showgrounds and the town generally are kept in great condition by Bogan Shire staff. We have a very attractive town.

  • Bogan Shire Medical Centre is a fantastic facility to have in Nyngan and the envy of western NSW.

  • Bogan Shire Early Learning Centre is also a great addition to our town, despite difficulties getting it fully staffed. It is easy to forget how it was before Council established the ELC.

  • Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre is also proving to be a great addition to Nyngan, as well as the re-established Tennis Club in Nyngan and Hermidale, the refurbished Netball Courts near Larkin Oval and the Skate Park.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan Shire in the near future?

  • Continue to work to establish before and after school care for our school families.

  • A fully staffed Early Learning Centre.

  • Significantly increased road funding, sufficient to provide better unsealed roads as well as more sealed shire roads.

  • Increased housing, including incentives to clean up and redevelop vacant or unused house blocks in town.

  • The establishment of ‘farmlets’ (small acreage blocks) on the outskirts of town.

What skills and experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

I am a reasonably clear thinker and am fair-minded. I initially ran for Council and am running again in the hope that I can add something to the ongoing development and liveability of our Shire.

I believe the Bogan shire is a wonderful, diverse and cohesive community and I enjoy being involved.

Written and authorised by Doug Menzies, Nyngan NSW 2825



I’ve been proud to call Nyngan home for 19 years. My wife, Cora, and I moved here as teachers and over this time have added our two boys, Samuel and Matthew, who have grown up in this wonderful community. I’ve mostly worked as a teacher and chaplain at Nyngan High School and as the Baptist minister, offering support during tough times across the community. These roles have allowed me to connect with a wide range of people, including those who might not always have a strong voice on council. I’m known for being approachable and committed to representing diverse perspectives.

I have a deep appreciation for Nyngan’s natural beauty and love spending time outdoors, especially on the river, and creating opportunities for young people to explore and value our environment. I have been a Bogan Shire Councillor since 2021.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

I’ve genuinely enjoyed serving as a councillor over the past three years. It’s been a rewarding experience to work alongside fellow councillors and staff to make decisions that improve life for everyone in the Bogan shire.

I’m motivated by the opportunity to continue contributing to the future of our town, ensuring we make thoughtful, well-informed choices that benefit the whole community.

I pay tribute to the departing councillors who have served for many years and who are stepping down. Their valuable experience and contribution will be missed, but I am excited by the potential of new representatives who are committed to making a positive impact together.

In your opinion, what has Bogan Shire Council done well in recent years?

  • Council has made significant strides in improving infrastructure across the Shire. Some key achievements include river precinct upgrades, including the levee bank walking track and nature trails.

  • Enhanced public facilities like parks, pathways, public toilets, gardens, and sporting venues. There have been notable upgrades to the showground, museum, Girilambone railway station, and Early Learning Centre. The Youth and Community Centre, along with the Medical Centre, are highly regarded in our region.

  • Additionally, we’re seeing progress on upcoming projects like water treatment upgrades and a new subdivision to address our housing needs.

  • Addressing the workforce shortages has been a challenge, and initiatives like traineeships and the year 12 leavers gap year program have been a benefit for the community.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan Shire in the near future?

  • In the next few years, Bogan Shire will face challenges due to reduced funding from higher levels of government. We will need to be ready to respond to this with careful prioritization of projects and active lobbying for better state and federal support.

  • Ongoing maintenance and improvement of our extensive road network is a major challenge because of funding shortfalls.

  • Addressing the urgent need for more housing will be a major focus, and we should see meaningful progress despite bureaucratic delays.

  • Planning for the future will need careful decision making about land use in and around the shire, and ensuring our basic infrastructure such as water and sewerage continues to be maintained and upgraded.

  • An increased commitment to services for young people, including building carefully on the foundation of the youth and community centre with expanded opportunities and greater community involvement.

What skills, experience, or interests do you have that you believe would benefit council?

  • I’m driven by a strong commitment to honest and thoughtful representation for the Bogan Shire. My key strength lies in my deep connection with a wide range of community members, particularly those who often lack representation.

  • I’m approachable and always ready to listen to and raise community concerns, helping to shape decisions that reflect the needs of our residents.

  • My teaching background and pastoral care training means I’m capable of diving into complex information, asking the right questions, and effectively communicating different viewpoints, while staying focused on making the best decisions for our community.

Written and authorised by Richard Milligan, Nyngan NSW 2825


Emily Stanton

As a fifth-generation Nyngan local, my ties to Nyngan run deep, and I have a heartfelt connection to this community. For the past 12 years, I have managed the Nyngan Riverside Tourist Park. One of my proudest achievements has been the renovation and reopening of

The Nyngan Hotel, which had been closed for 40 years. My vision was to transform ‘The Nyngan’ into a vibrant destination for locals and visitors alike, providing a venue for socialising, dining, and celebrating. My passion for business was recognised when I received the Outstanding Young Business Leader award at the 2024 Western NSW Business Awards.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

I am eager to contribute to the advancement of our town and to be actively involved in local council. My interest in council affairs and business development has grown over time, and after receiving encouragement from current councillors and local residents, I decided to step up. My deep passion for Nyngan and commitment to its progress are the main reasons for my candidacy.

What has Bogan Shire Council done well in recent years?

• Enhanced the main street with beautification projects and added parking near the Big Bogan. Improved landscaping throughout town, including the area in Nymagee Street across from The Nyngan Hotel.

• Upgraded riverfront areas from the weir to Jack Hargraves Park, Rotary Park, and the nature trail, emphasising the river’s role as the town's heart.

• Developed a new youth centre and various other upgrades, filling critical gaps like the medical centre, day care, and youth services.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan Shire in the near future?

• Continued improvement and growth of the town.

• Increased availability of residential blocks within the levee bank (which I understand is already in progress).

• Enhanced focus on tourism to make Nyngan a notable destination. We should capitalise on passing traffic and encourage visitors to stay and explore.

• More marketing efforts, including website updates, promotion, and social media campaigns to showcase Nyngan’s attractions. The ‘Visit Bourke’ Facebook page is a great example of how to effectively highlight what our town has to offer.

What skills, experience, or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• My experience managing and owning multiple businesses provides me with valuable insights into operational and strategic planning.

This, combined with my genuine interest in Nyngan’s growth, positions me well to contribute to the council.

• Having worked in accommodation for over a decade, I regularly interact with traveller’s and tourists who often only stay one night while passing through. I am passionate about developing strategies to encourage longer stays and giving visitors compelling reasons to explore and enjoy all that Nyngan has to offer.

• My business acumen, community engagement, and can-do attitude are skills I am eager to bring to the council, aiming to drive positive change and foster a thriving community.

Written and authorised by Emily Stanton, 145 Barrier Highway, Nyngan NSW 2825


Richard Bootle

I was born in Nyngan hospital and have spent most of my life here. I thought I wanted to be a big city lawyer, but found the experience to be soulless. I came home and started working at Flashman’s Lawyers (now Lawlab) in 1997. I met Ian Perkins not long after that and have experienced the interesting journey of social change resulting in the Marriage equality vote in 2018. We have two awesome kids who I hope will continue our family’s four generations of love for Nyngan.

Ian and I employ around 110 people. We built Lawlab from a small Nyngan law firm to now be the only national conveyancing practice in Australia, with physical offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Darwin. I’m chair of the NSW Farmers Association’s Water Task Force. I manage Bogan Farms over several properties west of Nyngan where we grow winter crops and run cattle. I am also passionate about the local riverine environment.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

I’ve given legal advice to council for many years so I’m familiar with the major issues our shire is faced with. For the most part I’ve agreed with the direction it has taken but I’ve seen it cave to pressure from Cobar Water Board at times. Council needs to be stronger on pushing back especially if there is a threat to the water security for the weir pools at Nyngan. I have a fairly un-ique skillset which I believe will enhance council decision making and I’d like the opportunity to contribute.

What has Council done well in recent years?

• Grants: one of the greatest things that council does so much better than most councils around it is to identify grants and apply for them and win them consistently

• Upgrades: partly due to funding but also due to a diligent commitment to great management has meant that our town is almost unrecognisable to what it was even five years ago.

• Roads: both town and rural roads have been re-sheeted and maintained at a time of incredible stress to due to flooding two-years-ago. You only have to drive around some of the inland shire's to see the state of their roads to appreciate what Bogan shire has achieved.

• Harmonious work environment: I appreciate how seamlessly the current Bogan shire staff and management just get on with the job of looking after our community.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan shire in near future?

• Bogan shire to stand up to Cobar Water Board and secure the future of the Nyngan weir pools so that they will be maintained and improved for generations to come.

• The recreational opportunities of the lower weir guaranteed and expanded to include even more water sports and facilities. Also, more investment in the upper weir to enhance its biodiversity and ensure the native fish population can thrive.

• Palais Theatre site handed over to Nyngan Community Homes so it can develop more Senior Living Accommodation.

• More roads sealed.

• Permanent feral pig and roo chillers to give local hunters a secure income and ensure consistent pressure on their control.

• The creation of a Trust Fund (‘The Nyngan Trust’) to accept donations including testamentary gifts and tax deductable living donations whose purpose is to enhance Nyngan’s infrastructure into the future.

What skills, experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• Ability to handle conflict and not cave to pressure.

• Legal skills to hold council management to account and assist in ethical decision making.

• Understanding conflicts of interest.

• Group decision-making skills.

Written and authorised by Richard Bottle, ‘Claremont,’ Nyngan NSW 2825


Judy Elias

I was born in Parkes and have lived in the Central West of NSW my whole life. I moved to Nyngan more than 40-years-ago and proudly call this beautiful community my home. I am a keen gardener and have spent many years growing all sorts of plants.

I love living near the river and watching the country change over each season. My husband and I own and operate Nyngan Toyota and provide new and used car sales and services for Nyngan and the surrounding area. We have seven employees, and our business provides community sponsorship and support where it can.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

I feel grateful to live in such a strong community which offers so much more than just a place to live. I want to give back to the shire in a way which supports sustainable and responsible government and ensures the whole district benefits from good strong accountable local government. My local knowledge, connections and experience as a resident, parent, community member and business owner give me unique insight into how council can be effective and fair for all. I am keen to ensure our facilities are well maintained and our programs and services are delivered will. I want to see the great work of the council in providing infrastructure and facilities for local residents and visitors continue and grow. I believe I can be pivotal in ensuring effective, people focussed, fair local government.

What has council done well in recent years?

• The new water storages and the upgrades to parks and facilities in the town are two great recent examples which have had a positive impact on our day to day lives.

• The ongoing activities of the council which help keep our community strong such as the library, museum and the Big Bogan park. Also, the upkeep of sporting grounds and the swimming pool and racecourse are other great examples.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan shire in near future?

• A renewed Bogan Shire Council Development Control Plan. The current one was done almost 14 years old it would be good to hear from the local community in a consultation process to make sure this strategy is still current and providing the best outcomes for residents.

• Increased support of diversity and inclusion and ensure all our residents are given equal opportunities and support to overcoming barriers to employment.

• Strong support for local events and assistance with promotion and planning when required, it would be great to see more local events in the town, capitalising on local sporting activities and concerts etc,

What skills, experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• I have been a part of the Bogan shire community my home for more than 40 years. I have run a successful business in this town for more than 20 years which currently has seven employees. I am aware of the needs of community, and of the challenges of living in a rural area.

• I am a confident public speaker and an advocate for those in our community who may need greater assistance or care.

• Over the past 40 years I have spent most of my weekends at sporting or community events and been on many committees and local groups. I understand many of the local issues and challenges.

Written and authorised by Judy Elias, ‘Elrancho’ Nyngan NSW 2825.


Sam Issa

Three years ago, I proudly became the part owner of the Hog n’ Billy Hotel in Girilambone, run by my son Tom and have gone on to add The Hermidale Hotel, The Hermidale Lodge and Hermidale Community Postal Service to our businesses. My business has been involved in the region over the past 12 years from Cobar, Nymagee, Girilambone and Hermidale. I am very approachable and look forward to meeting and hearing from you.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

To represent the great people of the Bogan shire will be a privilege and a duty that I will undertake with dedication and passion. I have heard from seniors about access to health and transport services, from youth about employment opportunities and educational supports, from families about their childcare needs and I have liaised with professionals and business owners including farmers about road conditions, water supply and housing. They all say one thing – that there is more to be done. And that is why I would like to be a voice for these people, to do more for all members of the Bogan shire community.

What has council done well in recent years?

The township of Nyngan has benefitted from improvements to the street scape, parking areas and amenities. In recent years, the establishment of the Youth Centre in Nyngan has bought many benefits and I look forward to engaging with services to see what additional programs can be run through the centre to support our youth.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan Shire in near future?

• Families need more childcare places and before and after school care options. Our youth deserve to have safe and supportive networks in our community.

• Services for seniors. It is vital that council expand programs and support for all senior members of our community including increased capacity in aged care facilities, more trained carers and a council facilitated bus, transporting seniors from each of the villages to Nyngan.

• Transport. Our shire needs better road access for farmers, the widening of the Mitchell Highway from Nyngan to Coolabah and better road signage.

What skills and experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• Through my 30-odd years of business experience, I have proven myself as a reliable person who makes considered decisions with a sound understanding of financial implications.

• I am very approachable and seek to hear from all members of the communities within the Bogan shire. I look forward to contributing to our shire.

Written and authorised by Sam Issa, Lot 1, Quanda Street, Hermidale, NSW 2831


Karl Bright

I have lived in the Bogan shire all my life. I am married to a local girl, Dione, who is a teacher at Nyngan Public School.

Together we have three small children, who attend Nyngan Preschool, the Early Learning Centre and Nyngan Public School. I attended school in Nyngan and I have been involved with the family farm at Girilambone since I was little. I was in the transport industry serving people in the Bogan shire and surrounding areas.

I am now the manager at GrainCorp Nyngan, which employs more than 50 people at its peak time (during harvest). I am a current Bogan Shire Councillor.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

I advocate for the important issues which affect the people of the Bogan Shire. If elected, this would be my second term on council and I feel I can continue to make a positive impact in the community.

I am passionate about working together and getting the best results for the people of the Bogan shire and also for the shire as a business.

I get a sense of pride when I know that I have played a part in the improvements in and around Nyngan and the surrounding villages.

What has council done well in recent years?

• As a parent of young children, I am particularly proud to be involved in the many improvements which have impacted the youngest members of our region. These include the major upgrade to the playground equipment in O’Reilly Park including soft fall covering replacing the original bark chip; the current expansion of the Early Learning Centre to address the extensive waitlist that it has; and the Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre which continues to grow and develop to address the health and well-being of our youth.

• The main street beautification program, including the memorial wall of photos at the back of the St Vinnies building.

• The establishment of the Nature Trail and walking paths around Nyngan has been a big hit with locals and their families.

• The creation of the top weir free-camping area which has been popular with both locals and tourists.

• The massive re-sheeting program started on our rural roads. This makes access easier and safer for our ratepayers further from the towns and villages.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan shire in near future?

• More affordable housing in Nyngan and the villages.

• Increased daycare places for young children

• Continued improvement of our rural roads to ensure the easy access and safety of road users in all weather conditions.

• Continued improvements in not only the town of Nyngan, but within our local villages as well.

What skills, experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• Local experience – I’ve lived and worked in the Bogan shire all my life. I am approachable and my priority is to address community concerns and improve the quality of life for all residents.

• Community awareness and the ability to make practical decisions.

• Transparency and accountability - I believe in an open government where residents have a say in the decisions that affect them. I am committed to keeping residents informed and involved. Communication is key.

Written and authorised by Karl Bright, 71 Warren Street, Nyngan NSW 2825


Glen Neill

I have been a resident of Bogan shire for all my life. I was a student at Hermidale Primary School and I attended Nyngan High School for four years before I commenced working on the family farm. In 1993 I established an earthmoving company – Neill Earthmoving – when mining commenced in the shire which is now one of the largest local employers. I have been a Bogan Shire Councillor for the past 16 years and mayor since 2021.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

I am standing as a councillor again to continue the work I have been involved in over the past 16 years. I would prefer to give it my best shot rather than sitting back and being critical. We have a strong community in our shire and I would like to be part of the team to lead it into the future.

What has Bogan Shire Council done well in recent years?

• The fact the Bogan Shire is in a strong financial position and has achieved all of the infrastructure that has happened in our town and surrounding villages, as well getting on top of our gravel road network after flooding two-years-ago, is an indicator that we are on the right track.

• Construction of the Early Learning Centre and the recent expansion of it has been fantastic for the town that previously had no facility for childcare prior to preschool.

• The Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre is something the community had wanted for a long time. It is a great facility for our youth who are our town’s future. It is also a valuable meeting place for many organisations.

• Council has carried out work on virtually every sporting field and amenities in Nyngan and surrounding villages such as the pool, skatepark, tennis club, netball courts, as well as the main street beautification, which is putting them in great shape for many years.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan Shire in near future?

• Another permanent doctor and continuation of local doctors for the Bogan Shire Medical Centre.

• Permanent doctors with VMO rights back at the Nyngan Multi-Purpose Health Service (hospital) to ensure continuity of care for patients.

• To continue to push for after-school care, as well as trying to reduce the wait-list for the ELC. Unfortunately, both these are dependent on staffing.

What skills, experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• I believe that in my working life as a farmer/grazier as well as being an established business owner, has given me many years’ experience in our district.

• I fully understand the absolute importance of our road network to run a farming and grazing enterprise.

• Sixteen years on council has given me a great understanding of what is needed in our community.

• I believe my interaction with people through business, my involvement with sporting and community events and local knowledge, would benefit me and enable me to continue as a councillor.

Written and authorised by Glen Neill, 228 Mitchell Highway, Nyngan NSW 2825


Victoria Boag

I live at ‘Belah Creek’ Nyngan, with my husband James and have two adult sons. I am proud to be a fourth generation grazier in the Bogan shire. In June, after 16 years as the Rural Financial Counsellor (RFC) for Bogan, Cobar, Warren and part Narromine LGA’s, I handed over the role and to allow me to be more involved in the family agricultural business. I volunteered with Meals on Wheels and the Duck Creek Races and I regularly volunteer my time to audit financial records for a local not for profit organisation. I have been a Justice of the Peace since 1993 and an elected member of Bogan Shire Council since 2016. I am the current deputy mayor.

Why have you put yourself forward to be a councillor for the Bogan shire?

Firstly, I believe it is important to give back to the community and to be generous with my time where possible.

I have gained a solid understanding of the needs of the community through my work as the RFC and my past two terms on council and I’d like to continue to work towards the betterment of my community.

I believe in encouraging small business as I see this as important for the vibrancy and economic health of our shire. I want to help create opportunities for new industry; and ensure we continue to be aware of our environment and sustainable. I support mining within the shire, and am a strong advocate for the agricultural industry – both of which contribute enormously to our economy and the health of Nyngan and villages.

What has Bogan Shire Council done well in recent years?

• Responsibly managed the assets for the residents of Bogan shire.

• Worked to support our major events such as Duck Creek Races, Nyngan Ag Expo, Big Boar Bonanza, Nyngan Show Society, and other smaller organisations.

• Support the employment of local residents.

• Applied for around $35 million in state and federal funding to improve amenities and facilities in Nyngan, Girilambone, Hermidale, and Coolabah.

What would you like to see achieved in the Bogan shire in near future?

• Continued improvement to the shortage of housing and short-term accommodation.

• Better telecommunications, particularly mobile coverage.

• Ensure rural crime is addressed and dealt with appropriately.

• Continued council advocacy to keep vital agencies and services in the shire.

What skills, experience or interests do you have which you believe would benefit council?

• A proven understanding of business and the need to have a well prepared and managed budget

• A good connection with the people of the Bogan shire especially the rural population. I have been a part of this community for a long time and value the respect, honesty and humility of the Bogan shire residents.

• Experience with helping people and communities overcome confronting and challenging situations such as flood, drought and financial hardship.

• I’m approachable, empathetic, and have a demonstrated ability to be confidential.

• I understand the importance of working cohesively to achieve the best results for our community.

Authorised by Victoria Boag ‘Belah Creek’, 1453 Mitchell Highway, Nyngan 2825 NSW



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